2. fluffy feathers, against the legislation. Such a situation more common in febrile infectious disease caused high fever, chills, such as Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease.
3. feathers brittle fracture and fall off. Such situation prevalent in the poultry pecking outside parasites, zinc deficiency, biotin deficiency disorders, also found itself in poultry feather pecking. Yangji neck feathers off as a result of friction with the cages.
4. feather scarce or fade. This situation is more common in folic acid deficiency, also seen in pantothenic acid deficiency, vitamin D deficiency.
5. feather shaft edge curl, and there is a small nodule formation. This situation is more common in zinc deficiency, vitamin B2 deficiency or some viral infections.
6. feather lice. Check this case turned by hand against the head, under the wings and fuselage of feathers, you can see yellow or white tip size feather lice in feathers, hair or skin crawled.
7. purebred poultry feathers grow Leis. This situation is more common in poultry genetic variation, some nutrients (such as iron, copper, folic acid, vitamin D, etc.) lack the like.
8. feather growth delay. Such situation prevalent in the lack of folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, zinc, selenium and the like.