Feathers are unique to derivative poultry skin, newly hatched chicks have a uniform surface covered with fine hairs; adult health of poultry feathers compact, flat, smooth and shiny. Sick the feathers against the legislation, fluffy, dirty, lack luster, moulting advance or delay. Feathers visible abnormal changes are:
1. fluffy feathers, dirty, dull. Paratyphoid common in such cases, chronic fowl cholera, E. coli disease, taeniasis, ascariasis, schistosomiasis, vitamin A deficiency, vitamin B1 deficiency disorders.
2. fluffy feathers, against the legislation. Such a situation more common in febrile infectious disease caused high fever, chills, such as Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease.
3. feathers brittle fracture and fall off. Such situation prevalent in the poultry pecking outside parasites, zinc deficiency, biotin deficiency disorders, also found itself in poultry feather pecking. Yangji neck feathers off as a result of friction with the cages.
4. feather scarce or fade. This situation is more common in folic acid deficiency, also seen in pantothenic acid deficiency, vitamin D deficiency.
5. feather shaft edge curl, and there is a small nodule formation. This situation is more common in zinc deficiency, vitamin B2 deficiency or some viral infections.
6. feather lice. Check this case turned by hand against the head, under the wings and fuselage of feathers, you can see yellow or white tip size feather lice in feathers, hair or skin crawled.
7. purebred poultry feathers grow Leis. This situation is more common in poultry genetic variation, some nutrients (such as iron, copper, folic acid, vitamin D, etc.) lack the like.
8. feather growth delay. Such situation prevalent in the lack of folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, zinc, selenium and the like.
First, look at the action. Healthy pig tail kept swinging, and can quickly be sensitive to react to external stimuli. Healthy adult pigs bulimia put me to sleep, if given food from the crashed after satiation lying lethargy, in case of a stranger approaching, that stand looked and continue to wag its tail. If you find pigs apathetic, sluggish movement, often downer, refused food, spine stiff, walking shaking, head and tail drooping and other phenomena, for the pigs.
Second, look at the skin. Healthy pig skin smooth and mellow, muscled. Such as pigskin stiff and inflexible, swelling, ulcers, erythema, rotten spots and other phenomena are sick performance.
Third, look coat. Coat glowing healthy pigs, such as pig stiff, inflexible, messy, is the performance of pigs.
Four to see the nose plate. Healthy pig nose plate wet ball sweat, such as pig nose plate dry and free of sweat, a lot of mucus overflow inside the nostrils is the pigs.
Five visits eyes. Health piggy eyes bright eyes of God, if found pig eyes dim, red, gum too is the performance of pigs.
Six look neck. Healthy pig neck freely, no swelling hard phenomena, such as pig head and neck movements are not comfortable or have swollen and stiff phenomenon, it is the pigs performance.
Seven look breathing. Healthy pigs normal breathing 10 to 20 times per minute, if abdominal breathing too fast or too slow is not normal.
Eight see the tail. Healthy pig anus clean and free from feces, such as found in and around the anus and even pig tails sticky Xifen, rectal prolapse or anal tail drooping does not move, it is the pigs performance.
Nine see posture. Healthy pigs sleep more positional, breathing abdominal breathing, if the situation was dog sitting, mouth breathing, it is the pigs performance.
Ten voices. It sounds healthy pigs sent loud and clear, as is the hoarse cry pigs performance.
Recently held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia exquisite chicken beauty contest, the winner can win $ 10,000 (about 62,240 yuan) in prize money. Delicate chicken is the world's smallest chicken, wild birds believed to be Malaysian and Japanese bantam cross made decades ago the first time in Malaysia, it became the Agong decorative pet. 1980s became popular among the people. But others believe, exquisite chicken originated from the King of Thailand to the Malaysian Supreme Head of State gift.
This exquisite chicken adult weight less than 500 grams, is Malaysia's number of years of the most popular pets. Some experts estimate that a total of 250,000 Malaysian exquisite chicken. Now, exquisite chicken has spread to Europe and America, many clubs have such highly decorative chickens.
Delicate chicken with colorful feathers, its chest showing heart-shaped wings may be down to the ground, they most like posturing, it looks like a prancing parade of soldiers. According exquisite gesture referee chicken, color, feather quality and character of their score.
Although in recent years the Asian bird flu crisis continued, but exquisite chicken is still a favorite of many fans, hoping to rely on pet pageant win thousands of dollars in prizes. Delicate chicken Union World total 35 000 members, and the annual increase rate of 10%. Mohammad Hatta (Mohamad Hatta) with his exquisite chicken to Kuala Lumpur to participate in a beauty pageant, he said:. "Many people want to buy my chicken, but I will not sell it, it was my family."
A chicken farm owners owe not yet, also arrogant attitude, bowang district court judge of the Executive Board during the investigation found that the possessor of a lot of chicken farm, execute judge shines: catch chicken repossessed!
Bowang district, a chicken farm boss Zhang owe no further prosecution to bowang district court, the court Zhang to pay debts total of 50,000 yuan, but after the commencement of the sentence, Zhang has been to evade fulfillment. After the case goes to the enforcement program, executives several times to find a chicken farm Zhang, Zhang was playing guerrilla warfare, saw the court to come to "hide and seek." Since the debtor unruly attitude, and no other property available for the implementation of bank deposits, so the court decided to farm chicken existing homes were foreclosed.
December 28, 2015 afternoon, practitioners arrived early farm, groups of scattered chicken was hard to concentrate catch just have to wait it gets dark we go hands on the cage after the chicken. Executive Zhang family took the opportunity to prevent the transfer of these chickens, braving the cold wind Kushou a few hours, and finally to capture these into a chicken only at 21:30, bagging had said. Under the auspices of the court, the applicant and Zhang negotiated price of chicken, the chicken price of 11,555 yuan batch of debt, in addition, the remaining amount of the debtor and the applicant also reached an agreement.