Cow is a more sensitive animals, nature timid, very sensitive, not only will reduce external stimuli after milk production, but also for the quality of milk output may also be affected, a system will be low quality dairy products under . Wanda for the cows carefully created extravagant luxury "livable environment." Recently, the reporter walked into Wanda Songbei ranch visits, this is a not only allow cows to enjoy plenty of sun, and it helps the flow of fresh air, with 5000 as the size of a modern cow breeding demonstration base, Shangri-La Ranch, Each cow lived a "happy" happy life. Here cows eat "meal packages." Throughout the feeding session, Wanda Songbei Ranch implement TMR "total mixed ration" feed, according to the nutritional needs of cows in different stages of growth and development and lactation, according to experts in the design of the diet formula, while taking advantage of a special mixer towards Japan grain stirring, cutting, mixing and feeding of an advanced breeding technology to optimize the quality of the herd, improved cow feed intake, milk production and improve quality, reduce feed costs, promote the standardization of breeding management .
Cows sleep here, "Simmons." Three centimeters in bovine bed plus two centimeters of rubber sponge produced cow mattresses, soft texture, good slip resistance. Staff told reporters: "This will not only environmentally friendly, but also greatly increase the comfort of cows and improve the cow's rest." Within each region set up more than cow brush, cow always enjoy premium massage. Finger ground staff said: You see it close to the ground scraping manure plate, 24 hours a day to clean up feces, you look at this electric transom, can guarantee barn dry, the air fresh, living in such environments cows more health, milk production is also high. Cows here to listen to "light music." In neat rows barn, heard the cries of mountain stream-like soft music, along with the harmony of music, Niuwa their leisurely basking in the sun, ad libitum.
Staff said: Cows eating, milking, pregnancy, leisure time playing soft music for different melodies, allowing cattle little guilty life. Here cows produce "high-quality milk." In order to guarantee to give udder disinfection before dipping hygiene, milking, using absorbent strong, good flexibility will not scratch the breast pure wood pulp paper towel; milking equipment is imitation milk calves frequency and intensity of design, cows the kind of feeding calves to feel pleasure. When milking cows is listening to "Easy Listening" embark rotary milking station, the quality, health, nutritious milk, through closed pipes, raw milk rushed away as 35 kilometers of Wanda Sunshine Dairy Processing plant.
Next :Why Newly hatched chicks can not drink?
Very good,I want to be a cattle now!!