
Farm boss is not also owe Executive Judge: catch chicken Foreclosed

A chicken farm owners owe not yet, also arrogant attitude, bowang district court judge of the Executive Board during the investigation found that the possessor of a lot of chicken farm, execute judge shines: catch chicken repossessed!

Bowang district, a chicken farm boss Zhang owe no further prosecution to bowang district court, the court Zhang to pay debts total of 50,000 yuan, but after the commencement of the sentence, Zhang has been to evade fulfillment. After the case goes to the enforcement program, executives several times to find a chicken farm Zhang, Zhang was playing guerrilla warfare, saw the court to come to "hide and seek." Since the debtor unruly attitude, and no other property available for the implementation of bank deposits, so the court decided to farm chicken existing homes were foreclosed.

December 28, 2015 afternoon, practitioners arrived early farm, groups of scattered chicken was hard to concentrate catch just have to wait it gets dark we go hands on the cage after the chicken. Executive Zhang family took the opportunity to prevent the transfer of these chickens, braving the cold wind Kushou a few hours, and finally to capture these into a chicken only at 21:30, bagging had said. Under the auspices of the court, the applicant and Zhang negotiated price of chicken, the chicken price of 11,555 yuan batch of debt, in addition, the remaining amount of the debtor and the applicant also reached an agreement.

